The formula Desire + Focus Strategy = Goals (results) is a road map that increases sales. More often companies utilize one component of the formula, but in order to achieve long term success they need to implement all components. In many studies sales have above average results with only one of the components providing that the product is first to the market or is the best. Is there a better mouse trap? The answer is yes. Z Sales and Marketing provides just the right solution for your company.
We help define a true sales and marketing strategy for the products and services your company offers.
Lead Generation Turnkey solutions to create new and obtain existing to buy from you again. We use beacon technology to get new customers which is perfect for all types of businesses. SMS text services to get a customer to buy from you again by delivering to offer right to palm of their hand via text message to their phone.
Social Media Strategy Turnkey social media platform for small and media business ,written by a professional writer specific to your industry or non-profit. Regularly schedule content which is relevant and consistent will allow you to get ahead of your competition. Get social and stay social. No charge review of your social media needs. We have found that we can develop a strategy but without the content it is only a strategy.
Manfacturer's Representative Services Z Sales and Marketing also provides manfacturer's representative services. We have strategic partners through the country in Multiple channels. We align you with the correct rep group to give your goods or services the proper exposures to the market place.
Chief Networking Officer We evaluate and improve your social media strategies to maximize your social capitol. We create disruptive campaigns to give you the edge in the market place. We are professional networkers and we open doors through face to face networking. We natural connect you to qualify and natural fits to your business.